Kiwidivers : Tec 40 CCR Course

Tec 40 CCR Course

The Tec 40 CCR is the first technical rebreather course in the set of three courses in your CCR journey. Often referred to as MOD1 by other training agencies it is designed to take either a recreational open circuit diver or recreational rebreather diver and develop the core skills required as a technical rebreather diver. While recreational rebreather diver training is not required obviously a foundation of knowledge and experience will help the transition from recreational diving to technical diving go a lot faster.

Tec 40 CCR Prerequisites:

  • Minimum age: 18 years.
  • Minimum of 50 logged dives including 10 Enriched Air/Nitrox dives dives deeper than 18 meters.
  • Advanced Diver certification or equivalent
  • Deep Diver Specialty certification or equivalent with proof of 10 dives at 30+ meters.
  • Enriched Air/Nitrox Diver certification or equivalent

Tec 40 CCR Course – Details:

If you’re interested in going beyond recreational limits and getting the most out of your rebreather then The Tec CCR 40 course is the first of three rebreather training courses that address technical diving with (Type T) technical rebreathers.

During your training, you will plan and conduct dives using air as a diluent and air as a bailout gas to a maximum of 40 meters with a single decompression stop of fewer than 10 minutes.

The Tec 40 CCR Diver course introduces the diagnosing of life-support problems, the appropriate immediate actions, and, when possible, returning to the loop to complete decompression obligations.

It also qualifies you, after gaining additional dive experience, to take the Tec 60 CCR Diver course, which advances your training into deeper and more complex technical diving with a CCR. You will also be qualified to complete the Tec CCR Qualifier program so you can dive with a different model CCR as a Tec 40 CCR Diver.

Technical diving uses extensive methods, equipment, and training to manage added risks. Typically, this means using complex or highly specialized equipment in situations where direct access to the surface is inaccessible due to a ceiling imposed by decompression or by a physical barrier such as found inside cave or wreck diving environments. Although founded on extensive open-circuit scuba technology, deep technical diving increasingly involves technical CCRs (Type T).

Tec 40 CCR Course – Sequence:

Day 1: Classroom

  • Classroom presentation
  • Knowledge Reviews and Development
  • Practical applications

Day 2: Pool

  • Tec40 CCR Dive 1 (Pool 0-5m)
  • Tec40 CCR Dive 2 (Pool 3-5m)

Day 3: Boat Dives

  • Tec40 CCR Dive 3 (6-12m)
  • Tec40 CCR Dive 4 (9-18m)
  • Tec40 CCR Dive 5 (12-24m)

Day 4: Boat Dives

  • Tec40 CCR Dive 6 (18-27m)
  • Tec40 CCR Dive 7 (24-36m)
  • Tec40 CCR Dive 8 (24-40m)

Kiwidivers : Tec 60 CCR Course

Tec 60 CCR Course

The Tec 60 CCR Diver course is part of the TecRec Tec CCR diving series. This course has three divisions: knowledge development, practical applications, and training dives. Technical CCRs vary, so the procedures for handling different problems vary from unit to unit. You’ll learn the underlying theory and concepts from the Tec 60 CCR Diver Manual, but it is during your training dives that you learn the specific c ways you apply theory and concepts with your particular CCR.

The Tec 60 CCR Diver course teaches and certifies you to make decompression dives using trimix or heliox with the specific c Type T CCR you train with during the course within these limits:

  • Maximum depth of 60 meters/200 feet
  • Oxygen and trimix/heliox diluent
  • Appropriate bailout gases with sufficient volume to make your entire ascent, including decompression, with a reserve.

It also qualifies you, after gaining additional dive experience, to take the Tec 100 CCR Diver course, which advances your training into deeper and more complex technical diving with a rebreather. You will also be qualified to complete the Rebreather Qualifier program so you can dive with a different model CCR as a Tec 60 CCR Diver.

Tec 60 CCR Course – Details:

The Tec 60 CCR course is available from Kiwidiver on the following units:

  • Poseidon Mk6 (with tec upgrade)
  • Poseidon Se7en (M28 computer recommended)
  • AP Inspiration


  • Be a Tec 40 CCR Diver qualified on the specific Type T CCR to be used in the course.
  • Have logged a minimum of 150 dives, with at least 25 dives and 50 hours experience diving the Type T CCR used in the course with an offboard bailout system following Tec 40 CCR Diver principles.
  • Have at least 10 logged CCR dives deeper than 30 meters/100 feet.

Kiwidivers : Tec 60 CCR Course Sequence

Day 1: Classroom

  • Knowledge reviews and development
  • Practical applications

Day 2: Pool

  • Tec60 CCR Assessment Dive (Pool)
  • Tec60 CCR Dive 1 (3-10m)

Day 3: Boat Dives

  • Tec60 CCR Dive 2 (6-18m)
  • Tec60 CCR Dive 3 (18-40m)
  • Tec60 CCR Dive 4 (27-45m)

Day 4: Boat Dives

  • Tec60 CCR Dive 5 (45-55m)
  • Tec60 CCR Dive 6 (50-60m)
  • Extra Dive (30-40m)

Day 5: Rest Day

  • No activity for the class

Day 6: Boat Dives

  • Tec60 CCR Dive 7 (50-60m)
  • Extra Tec 60 Dive (50-60m)
  • Extra Dive (30-40m)

Kiwidivers : Tec 100 CCR Course

Tec 100 CCR Course

Becoming a Tec 60 CCR Diver expanded upon what you learned as a Tec 40 CCR Diver, but it also introduced you to some entirely new topics that didn’t apply at the 40 level. The same is true as you become a Tec 100 CCR Diver. The majority of what you learn builds upon your Tec 60 CCR Diver training and prepares you for new challenges when you descend deeper than 60 meters

The Tec 100 CCR Diver course extends your present diving range with trimix/heliox beyond 60 meters which isn’t a new frontier for tec diving. Open-circuit tec divers have been diving the 60-metre to 100-meter range routinely for over a decade. Field experience shows that most people can reasonably manage risks by using the appropriate equipment and following proper procedures.

This course is significantly more challenging than the Tec 60 CCR Diver course. It requires divers to demonstrate the superior skill level necessary to explore greater depths competently on technical rebreathers.

Tec 100 CCR Course – Details:

The Tec 100 CCR course is scheduled over 6 days, and the schedule is customized for each student.

Tec 100 CCR Course – Prerequisites:

  • Be a Tec 40 CCR Diver qualified on the specific Type T CCR to be used in the course.
  • Have logged a minimum of 175 dives, with at least 50 dives and 100 hours experience diving the Type T CCR used in the course with an offboard bailout system following Tec 40 and Tec 60 CCR Diver principles.
  • Have at least 25 logged mutiple-stop decompression trimix dives deeper than 40 meters.

Kiwidivers : Tec 40, 60, 100 CCR Course Pricing

Tec 40 CCR Course
Ask for quote
4 Day Course
Class materials, boat dives, and certification fees included
Transportation to/from boat only
Rebreather rental, scrubber, and helium gas are NOT included (market costs variable)
**Pricing may change due to market prices of Oxygen gas and Scrubber material. Please contact us for a quote.
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Tec 60 CCR Course
Ask for quote
6 Day Course
Class materials, boat dives, and certification fees included
Transportation to/from boat only
Rebreather rental, scrubber, and helium gas are NOT included (market costs variable)
**Pricing may change due to market prices of Oxygen gas and Scrubber material. Please contact us for a quote.
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Tec 100 CCR Course
Ask for quote
7 Day Course
Class materials, boat dives, and certification fees included
Transportation to/from boat only
Rebreather rental, scrubber, and helium gas are NOT included (market costs variable)
**Pricing may change due to market prices of Oxygen gas and Scrubber material. Please contact us for a quote.
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